1. Installation
My USB stick is empty. Where can I find the installation files?
The installation USB stick has two drive partitions. The first drive is read-only. It contains the necessary files for installation and appears as a CD drive. The second drive is a storage device to save designs and the installation backup file.
With Windows 10, auto-run is blocked, meaning that you have to start the installation manually. Go to the CD drive and execute the setup.exe application file by double clicking.
What happens during installation when I merge previous with new version?
When merged, the customized settings from your current version are migrated to the new version preventing you from having to set your preferred settings again. The following settings will be merged into latest BERNINA Embroidery Software:
- Stitch related parameters (in Template)
- Machine connection settings
- Other software settings (in Options)
Can I install V8 on Apple Mac OS X?
No, V8 cannot be installed on Mac OS X. However, you can set up a Windows operating system on an Apple PC. Use Bootcamp to do this. Further information can be found at: https://support.apple.com/en-us/boot-camp.
How can I solve the installation error ‘InstallUtil.dll’?
The error ‘An error occurred loading/unloading C:\Users…\InstallUtil.dll’ is caused by a corrupted V8 installation. To clean up the installation, you must manually delete the folder below. You have to enable showing hidden file/folder in the ‘Options’ of ‘File Explorer’ to be able to see the folder below:
C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{41D5B4A3-DF32-4551-B1E8-7D56CF9C976F}
After deleting this folder V8 can be installed normally.
Note: If you remove this folder, the current V8 installation trace is removed from Windows operating system. Please make sure you remove the correct folder.
How can I install the missing ‘mfc120.dll’ file?
If you get the error ‘The program can't start because mfc120.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.’ you need to download and run ‘vcredist_x86.exe’ file from the link below. To start the program, simply double click on the file. Then in the dialog box, click on the ‘Repair’ button.
Link: Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013
How do I install the update or upgrade to V8?
For the update or upgrade it is not necessary to have a previous version installed. You can start the installation directly. As soon as you enter the product key, the license activation server detects whether it is an update or upgrade. In the next step, you will be prompted to insert the previous dongle, which will transfer the license from the dongle to your PC. For further activation you don't need the dongle anymore and you can dispose it.
2. CorelDRAW SE
Why can I not access Artwork Canvas or CorelDRAW SE?
If you do not have installed, registered or linked the new CorelDRAW Graphics Suite SE, you will get an error message, when switching to the Artwork Canvas.
- Register Corel: Click on the CorelDRAW SE icon on your desktop and fill in the form.
- Go to your e-mail account and validate your Corel account.
- Start V8 and link CorelDRAW SE to the Artwork Canvas.
What should I do, when Corel does not run or the message ‘DrawSE.exe - System Error’ appears?
This issue affects only computers running with Windows 8 / 8.1. Microsoft prepared older operating systems for Windows 10 and removed the runtime system, which is need for Corel to start up.
If Corel is not working although you installed, registered and validate it correctly, the please update the runtime.
The ClipArt folder is missing. Where can I find it?
ClipArt files are now located online and can be accessed through Corel CONNECT. The Clipart folder is replaced by this online-based library, where you can browse for all kind of designs.
- Search for a term, e.g. “bear”
- Specify file type
- Download file
- Edit file in Corel
Where can I find the Corel fonts?
Check if there is a folder ‘FontDatabase’ in %appdata%.
- Press Windows key + R and type %appdata%. Press Enter and a list of folders appear.
- Open the Corel folder and rename the ‘FontDatabase’ folder to ‘FontDatabase old’.
- Open CorelDRAW Graphics Suite SE and the fonts should now be available.
The Font Manger is only part of the full CorelDRAW Graphics Suite and not part of this slimmed-down CorelDRAW SE version.
How can I install the missing CorelWPL.cpg plug-in?
When the warning message “The Plug-in CorelWPL.cpg is not installed” appears you must simply repair CorelDRAW SE. Go to Control Panel > Program and features > Deinstall/Change and select ‘Repair’ to re-install the plug-in.
How can I re-link CorelDRAW SE to V8, when I accidently clicked on “Do not Install”.
To link CorelDRAW SE again to V8 go to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\BERNINA\Embroidery Software 8\BIN and copy the two files: CorelWPLx64_BERNINA8.0.cpg and CorelWPLWin32_BERNINA8.0.cpg. Then paste them into the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Corel\CorelDRAW Essentials X6\Plugins. Restarting V8 should solve the problem.
Update 1 did not install Corel. How can I install it later?
If Corel did not installed with Update 1, the Corel desktop icons are missing and the art canvas does not work. To install Corel, you must first uninstall V8. Then download the full version (2.5 GB) and install it. After you have registered and validated Corel, you can use the program.
3. Display
Why are my icons displayed so tiny on 4K screens?
First, use your high-resolution monitors (UHD / 4K / 5K) only in conjunction with Windows 10 as it uses a different mechanism for app scaling compared to earlier Windows versions.
Secondly, update your V8 with the Update 1 that supports scaling for high resolution monitors.
Recommended display setting with 4k / 5k screen in Windows 10
When you are using an internal or external 4K screen make the following setting in Windows:
- Windows Start > Settings > System > Display
- Change the resolution to the maximum value
- Choose " Resize text, apps and other elements"
- Set the value to min. 200% or higher
Why are my design thumbnails not displayed correctly?
With the Update 1 thumbnail display has been improved: All supported file types are now assigned and appear correctly in Embroidery Library and Windows Explorer. Stitch information is only displayed for native formats (ART, EXP, EMB, JAN)!
Note: Some stitch file thumbnails cannot be displayed as the file might be associated with another application.
Where are the embroidery designs located?
The included embroidery designs are located in ‘Public Embroidery’ inside the Windows library. The library provides improved options to search and to organize designs as they are automatically indexed for faster searching.
In Windows 8, the library is visible, whereas in Windows 10 it is not. To have it displayed the check box ‘Show Libraries’ has to be activated in the folder options!
The ‘Save as…’ dialog saves ART files to the ‘My Designs’ library folder. Whereas the ‘Export…’ dialog saves machine file formats (EXP, PES etc.) to the ‘My Machine Files’ folder.
Where can I find the release notes for Update 1?
The release notes in the V8 Help menu contain the new features compared to the previous version. Since the release notes for update 1 only show the improvement within version V8, they must be downloaded separately. All documents can be found in the V8 Support tab under "Manuals & Documents".
4. Operation
How can I send designs directly from PC to machine?
Through the device selection you can directly send designs to the machine by using a USB cable.
If you get an error message you need to manually start the PC to machine interface, called Universal Communication Server (UCS). Go to Task Manager > Services > UCS > Right-click > Start
In the case that the connection to the artista 200 / 730 is not working, you need to follow the steps below:
- Go to Windows Start and enter ‘cmd’ in the command line.
- Right-click the 'cmd.exe' and 'Execute as Administrator'.
- Enter the first line and press Enter. REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RapiMgr /v SvcHostSplitDisable /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
- Enter the second line and press Enter. REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WcesComm /v SvcHostSplitDisable /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
- Restart your computer. This allows the Windows Device Center to work. If it is not working, start the UCS service as described above.
How can I resolve system errors?
If you get ‘Dsgnedit.exe has stopped working’ or ‘Exception Access Violation’ errors please go through the troubleshooting procedure below.
First, go to Programs > BERNINA-Embroidery Software 8 > BERNINA-Embroidery Software 8-Tools, do a “Purge Recovery” and also set back to the factory setting via “Revert” > “Default”.
Second, right-click the V8 desktop icon. Go to Properties > Compatibility > Privilege Level and check "Run program as administrator".
Third, add the BERNINA folder to your antivirus's exception list.
If the problem still persists, please send a support request to BERNINA via the ‘Report an issue’ function.
How do output machine files (EXP, PES, VP3 etc.)?
In V8 the machine file EXP has been supplemented with the trim command (> 2 mm), so that designs can also be stitched out on the BERNINA E16 multi-needle embroidery machine. Due to the "Always Trim" functions additional trims (≤ 2 mm) can be added, but not removed. It is applied, for example, to small or narrow fonts, where every letter is to be cut.
Now the EXP format includes trims. By means of ADX you simply determine whether or not trims are contained in the file. EXP and ART provide trims. Direct Connect (EConPC) DECO and Serial Port do not comprise trims, which ensures the compatibility with bernette and BERNINA machines that cannot process the trim command.
Note: Besides the device selection you can output many machine files with trims through the “Export…” menu.
Note: Instead of the device selection, you can use the ‘Export Machine File...’ menu to output numerous other machine file formats with the thread cut command.
5. HASP Errors
What should I do, when I get a HASP error?
The security error ‘Internal Error: HASP API returned (64)’ or "HASP_ACT_ORDER_ALREADY_BURNED’ occur on computers that just had the latest Windows 10 update. The error cannot be fixed by executing ‘Reinstall HASP drivers’! You need to contact BERNINA support directly.
Please send a ticket to our support department via the 'Report an issue' application, which can be accessed via
Programs > BERNINA-Embroidery Software 8 > BERNINA-Embroidery Software 8-Tools. Also include your contact details and product key.
US customers can also send a ticket directly to
BERNINA Software Support.
How can I ‘Reinstall HASP Drivers’?
If you get the security error ‘A Valid license to run BERNINA Embroidery Software could not be found’ or ‘Unable to access Sentinel Runtime Environment’ you need to reinstall HASP driver from the program menu.
For Windows 8 and 10, go to Apps> BERNINA Embroidery Software 8 > Reinstall HASP Drivers
What should I do, when I get a run-time error?
Follow the steps below if you receive the error message:
Unable to access Sentinel Run-time Environment. Please run 'Reinstall HASP Drivers' from the start menu and try again. If the problem persists, please visit www.wilcom.com/support for assistance (H0033).
- Please type ‘Services’ in the search box on the task bar
- Scroll down to ‘Sentinel LDK License Manager’, stop the service and the restart it.
- Reboot the computer and start the software.
6. Licensing
Can I resell V8 that I have already installed and activated?
No, because the License Agreement (EULA) to which you agree to during installation, prohibits you from reselling the software. Refer to restrictions: The Product contains trade secrets and in order to protect them,
you may not … resell ... the Product or create derivative works based upon the Product or any part thereof.
Can I transfer my license from one computer to another?
Yes, you can transfer the license using the transfer tool called RUS utility (Remote Update System) and step-by-step instructions, which you can download from the Support tab. Note: Once the license is activated it cannot be deactivated, only transferred.
What can I do, when my product key has reached its activation limit?
When you get the error message ‘This Product Key has reached its activation limit. Please purchase a new Product Key’, then you have used up all 3 available activation keys. You can no longer activate a license, but you can transfer the license from one computer to another. Please read the FAQ article license transfer. If you need further help, please send a support request to BERNINA via the ‘Report an issue’ function and add your product key.
Note: Each product key has 3 licenses, i.e. activations. The end user license agreement (EULA) permits only 1 user to install the software on 2 computers. The third license is intended as a spare to use, if one computer is damaged or lost.
How can I run the V8 installation, when my dongle is not recognized?
During the installation of the Update or Upgrade, you will be prompted for the dongle to transfer the license from the old to the new software version. If you insert the dongle and get the error message ‘The attached dongle is not valid for this update’ or ‘Security device not found’, there is a problem with the dongle. Please send a support request to BERNINA via the ‘Report an issue’ function and include your Dongle Tag Number and V8 Product Key.
Note: The dongle will be deleted after the license transfer process and can be disposed afterwards. Further software activations only require the product key.
How do I avoid activation issues?
RED - Software Installation USB Stick
If you are in possession of the red USB stick do not start the installation from the stick, rather download directly the latest Full Version from the support tab. Then install it and use the product key provided to activate the software.
The software version from the internet (V8.0T R2) has the activation issue fixed and includes the latest CorelDRAW Graphics Suite SE, which is Windows 10 and 4K compatible.
BLACK - Software Installation USB Stick
If you are in possession of the black USB stick do not start the installation from the stick, rather download directly the latest Full Version from the support tab. Then install it and use the product key provided to activate the software.
WHITE -Software-Installation USB Stick
The white USB stick contains the latest version and you can directly start to install V8.
Why do I need to re-enter the product key?
This procedure updates the security driver. No license will be taken.
Simply enter the product key that came with the product and click OK. The key can be found on the product key card. If you have lost it, please contact BERNINA support.