Threading Kit Overlocker/Serger

Threading Kit Overlocker/Serger

Simplifies threading and settings

  • Five spools of 1000m quality thread
  • Thread colors match the threading chart
  • Great help to obtain the optimal seam
  • Compatible with all BERNINA overlockers

The Threading Kit for Overlocker/Serger simplifies threading along the instruction manual and helps to adjust the optimal seam. The colors of the quality threads in the kit reflect the colors used for the threading paths on the BERNINA overlockers. This way it becomes immediately apparent in the seam which thread tension values need to be changed. After completing the adjustment, high quality threads of the matching color for your project can be tyed, pulled through and off you go!
This threading kit is ideally suited for educational purposes as well as for self guided learning of the overlocker.

Všimnite si:
Nie všetky modely a príslušenstvo sú k dispozícii v jednotlivých krajinách. Vyhradzujeme si právo robiť zmeny v dizajne aj vo funkciách.

Osobný prístup Vášho miestneho predajcu BERNINA

Viac ako 2000 obchodov BERNINA ponúka po celom svete našim zákazníkom cenné služby. Vo Vašom najbližšom obchode BERNINA Vám ochotne poradia s výberom stroja aj príslušenstvom presne podľa Vašich potrieb, odporučia Vám vyšívací softvér a zaistia pre Váš stroj servis.